In California, divorced parents can create a parenting plan as part of custody arrangement. A parenting plan is a written agreement that is used to establish a schedule for visitation and a decision-making plan. The ultimate goal of these plans is to create a custody...
Month: February 2015
Dividing assets in a California divorce
The division of property and debt is one of the biggest matters that has to be resolved in a divorce. Spouses may decide how they want to divide their assets amongst themselves, but they might not know where to start. The first thing that divorcing spouses need to do...
Can a child ask the judge to live with one parent over the other?
Many California children of divorced or unmarried parents eventually reach an age where they begin expressing their desires to live with their non-custodial parents. Parents may have questions about their children's rights to address the court during divorce...
How to change a spousal or partner support order
The California Courts Judicial Branch has outlined the necessary steps to successfully change a spousal or partner support order. There are several reasons that an individual might seek to modify their order. For example, if the support is no longer necessary or if...