People going through a divorce in California could potentially benefit from learning more about how the amount of alimony is calculated by courts in the state. Spousal support, or alimony, must be court-ordered before it can be considered legally binding. Without a...
Month: December 2014
Expenses covered by child support in California
Under California law, parents are responsible for the living and medical expenses of their child until age 18, or until age 19 for a child who is still in high school. In order to ensure the provision of this financial support, California courts may order one or both...
Custody and the best interests of the child
Parents in California may benefit from learning more about evaluating the best interests of the child as it relates to child custody. Evaluating the best interests of the child is the top priority when determining custody arrangements or placement for a child. Every...
Forming parenting plans
Parents going through a divorce in California must make a parenting plan, which serves as an agreement about custody and visitation. While courts can make child custody decisions, it is usually better when both parents come to an agreement on their own. The parenting...
The marital home and property division in California
In California, all of the property and assets that were acquired during a couple's marriage is considered to be community property and thus subject to equal division when the couple divorces. In many cases, one of the largest marital assets is the home in which the...
Modifying a California child support order
There are times when the financial circumstances of one or both parents change significantly after a child support order was issued. When this happens, either party may file a request to modify the prior order to reflect the change. When both parties agree, they may...