Helping You Meet And Overcome Challenges During Your Divorce
What makes divorce and other family law matters challenging? It is not necessarily the law itself, as the law tends to be fairly straightforward for most issues. The challenge stems from the emotionally traumatic nature of these matters.
At the Law Office of Chandra E. Miller, I guide clients through their challenging family law matters, such as:
Matters of divorce, including property division, support, complex divorces, and modifications
Issues involving your children, your parental rights
Obtaining a restraining order when domestic violence is a factor or opposing an order when it is inappropriately used as leverage
Is Mediation Right For You?

Mediation is a cost-effective alternative to taking your case to court. *
What Our Clients Say About Us
“She is the best lawyer on the planet.”
“She believes in you and puts her heart and soul into representing you.”
“Brilliant.” “Always prepared.” “She is my lawyer for life.”
“Don’t walk, run to the Law Office of Chandra E. Miller for help.”
Where Do You See Yourself One Year From Now?
Providing Amicable Solutions With Out-Of-Court Alternatives
It may not be necessary for you to engage in a high-conflict court case. You may choose to resolve your divorce or family law matter through negotiation, collaborative practice or divorce mediation. These alternatives allow you retain your dignity, your privacy and your relationships. I also provide consulting services. Let me help you understand these options and guide you to the resolution of your choosing.
Where Do You See Yourself One Year From Now?
Providing Amicable Solutions With Out-Of-Court Alternatives
It may not be necessary for you to engage in a high-conflict court case. You may choose to resolve your divorce or family law matter through negotiation, collaborative practice or divorce mediation. These alternatives allow you retain your dignity, your privacy and your relationships. I also offer consulting services. Let me help you understand these options and guide you to the resolution of your choosing.

Committed ~ Compassionate ~ Tough
Employing compassion, experience and grit, I am committed to providing you with top notch legal representation, empowering you to choose the future you want. I will put you in the driver’s seat, helping you:
- Understand your legal options
- Overcome the emotional trauma you are experiencing
- Make good decisions about the path your case should take