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A Northern California Family Law Firm

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Children and Parents

Children & Parents

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Mediation & Collaborative Divorce

Creating a parenting plan

On Behalf of | Feb 24, 2015 | Child Custody

In California, divorced parents can create a parenting plan as part of custody arrangement. A parenting plan is a written agreement that is used to establish a schedule for visitation and a decision-making plan. The ultimate goal of these plans is to create a custody agreement that is in the best interests of the children.

There are many different factors to consider when creating a parenting plan. First, the well-being of the child or children needs to be taken into account. Very young children will have certain essentials, just as teenagers will have their own unique needs as well. For example, young children will usually require extra medical visits for immunizations and checkups, and the parents will have to consider this when deciding on insurance policies.

In general, many parenting plans will make sure to allow both parents to have access to the children, even if one parent has custody. This means that both parents will be allowed to contact the children by phone or email, and both parents will be allowed to have up-to-date information about the children. In addition, many parenting plans will allow both parents to have access to the children’s medical records and school information. This is done to ensure that the children feel connected to both parents, even if they spend most of their time with one parent.

A complete parenting plan will also include specific information regarding how the parents will make decisions about their children. This can include information on subjects like church, school, entertainment and medical decisions.

A child custody order is intended to make sure that children can be cared for properly. An attorney may be able to help parents create a parenting plan that is in the best interests of the children.