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New technology-based visitation rights are becoming more popular

On Behalf of | Jan 30, 2015 | Child Custody

A new form of child visitation may potentially change the way a parent is able to relate to their child in California. Virtual visitation is a new method of child visitation that may allow a parent to be a part of a child’s life through the use of technology like video conferencing, email and Facebook. It could prove to be a beneficial way for a child to be able to stay in contact with a non-custodial parent if either the parent of the child moves out of state. However, it could be a difficult adjustment to make if the child is accustomed to regular face-to-face time with the parent.

Virtual visitation might make it possible for a non-custodial parent to be able to read a bedtime story to their child or assist them with homework after school. It could even be a way to be able to still see the child’s sporting events or school plays while the events are taking place. Virtual visitation should still include regular visitation times as well whenever possible.

Some individuals fear that this new method of visitation could influence some judges to agree to modify an arrangement when it would not have otherwise been modified. Another concern is that virtual visitation would incorrectly be seen as a replacement for physical visitation.

A divorce attorney might be able to assist a parent in a situation like this by helping to modify the child custody order in a manner that best benefits the child. An attorney could help to ensure that visitation is granted as the agreement states.