One of the responsibilities of the California Department of Child Support Services is to ensure that parents across the state have information about and access to the department’s assistance. One of the ways that the department accomplishes this goal is by publishing information concerning general facts about the Child Support Services Program.
With the objective of promoting the well-being of the state’s children, the program provides assistance in some specific areas. Included in these are locating absent parents, establishing paternity and soliciting child support orders from the court. It is the legal responsibility of each parent to support their child financially, and the department works with either or both to facilitate this support.
In addition to being in the child’s best interest, it may help parents to familiarize themselves with their rights and responsibilities under the law. Furthermore, the state and its communities have an ombudsperson, family law facilitators and advocacy groups to help parents understand the processes of both paying and receiving child support.
The issue of financial support is often raised when parents divorce. Now, frequently, parents may never have married but have produced a child who is in need of financial support from both parents. Whether married to the child’s other parent or not, to ensure that his or her family receives the child support that it needs and to establish payments that are sustainable and fair, parents often seek input from an attorney. The amount of child support is determined with the help of a formula. An attorney may help to confirm that the numbers entered into the formula are accurate.
Source: California Department of Child Support Services, “Child Support Handbook”, September 19, 2014