Skilled Legal Assistance With Property Division Issues Of Divorce
California is a community property state. This means that there is a presumption that all property acquired during the marriage belongs to both spouses and will be divided equally. This goes for debts acquired during the marriage, as well, an exception would be in a negative estate.
Get An Experienced Divorce Attorney On Your Side
At the Auburn Law Office of Chandra E. Miller, I understand the emotions involved in divorce proceedings, particularly when it comes to issues of property division. My goal is to empower you by providing you information about your options for the division of marital assets.
- How much will this cost me? I will make certain that you understand the costs and benefits of each option. I frequently encourage negotiation, collaborative practice or mediation over litigation, simply because the cost of litigation may defer any financial benefits that arise. However, I am experienced in litigation and am ready to go to court. In some cases, it simply cannot be avoided.
- What will happen to my home? One of the most emotionally charged issues in divorce is the division of the family home. This issue is even more challenging now, due to the current housing market. Instead of deciding who keeps the family home and who buys the other out of the equity, you may have to work with your spouse on a short sale of the home or a foreclosure.
- Who gets the retirement benefits? Retirement accounts, even though they may not take effect until years from now, must be subject to property division at the time of the divorce. You do not want to have to go back years down the line to try to figure out who gets what. I can assist with the creation of the qualified domestic relations orders (QDRO) required to divide retirement accounts. Retirement assets include 401k accounts, individual retirement accounts (IRA), stock options and pensions.
Compassion ~ Experience ~ True Grit
Employing compassion, experience and grit, I am committed to obtaining the best possible outcome for you and those you love. You should have the right to choose the future you want, and I will help put you in the driver’s seat during your divorce.
To get started planning your future, send me an email or call me in Auburn at 530-377-5022 or toll free from any location at 866-679-7592.