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Uma Thurman and ex-fiancé develop parenting plan

On Behalf of | Sep 24, 2015 | Child Custody

Custody disputes can be difficult and painful for all involved. Sometimes, it can seem as if the couple involved might not be able to find a solution. California residents who are in the middle of a custody dispute might be interested in the recent outcome of one between Uma Thurman and her ex-fiancé, Arpad Busson.

Busson sued the actress in 2014, seeking to be able to spend more time with their 3-year-old daughter. However, on Sept. 17, Thurman and Busson settled their dispute. A Manhattan Supreme Court Justice who heard the case praised the couple for being able to design a parenting plan that centers around what is best for their daughter. The plan, which establishes how they will co-parent their daughter for the next three years, is confidential. However, the judge did say that both parties compromised in order to focus on what makes their daughter happier.

Both Thurman and Assad have children from prior relationships, but the 3-year-old girl is their only child. She was the product of an on-again, off-again relationship between the two, which started in 2004. The couple got engaged in 2008 after breaking off their relationship in 2007. They separated during a short period in 2009, and Thurman gave birth to their daughter in 2012.

When deciding custody cases, the court will always consider the best interest of the child involved before any other factors. The court will also look favorably towards parents who can work through their personal issues and design positive co-parenting plans that focus on the happiness and well-being of the child involved, attempting to cause the least disruption the child’s life. A parent who is trying to negotiate custody issues might benefit from the guidance of a family law attorney when negotiating an agreement.